
Multi region deployment request

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am not sure if this is a miss on my side to get it to deploy in multiple regions or its a feature that is not available just yet but the ability to deploy this as multi region would be super helpful

following something like this from AWS

and or this

Hello @frankscalzo, and thanks for reaching out to the LZA team!

I believe you are looking for the enabledRegions property available in global-config.yaml. LZA is multi-region aware when this value is set to more than one region. Please note that any resources utilizing the deploymentTargets property will be automatically deployed to the secondary region if you do not have excludedRegions configured for those resources. Resources that use the region property (such as VPCs) will need to be defined in new configuration definitions in their respective config files to take advantage of the new region.

I hope this helps! Please let us know if there's anything more we can do to help on this issue.

that was it i missed that since there i not a great spot for clear docs

i had to disable/ ignore new region for audit manager and detective while deploying thanks