Error when using mlio.SageMakerPipe
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I'm launching a sklearn training container with this call:{'train': 's3://...')
Following couple reads at the AWS doc and the ml-io doc, I attempt to read the data inside the container with that code:
pipe = mlio.SageMakerPipe('/opt/ml/input/data/train')
However it creates this error:
mlio.DataReaderError: The data store '/opt/ml/input/data/train' does not exist.
How are we supposed to write the data channel details into the SageMakerPipe
The AWS doc you linked indicates /opt/ml/input/data/training - any chance that's the issue?
I don't think so? I'll give a try but basically those substrings are variable and defined by the name of the channel:
launching the call with{'mychannel':'s3://...'})
will create a local foldel opt/ml/input/data/mychannel
in File Mode and several pipes /opt/ml/input/data/mychannel_N
with N numbering the number of times the channel has been read so far (so first pipe is named /opt/ml/input/data/mychannel_0
) in Pipe Mode. At least that's my understanding of the doc :) and this logic is definitely in place in file mode
Actually, Pipe mode may not work in local mode (which I was using). Now on a c5.9xl remote training I have a different error :) which makes this issue solved.