
[Feature Request] Publish log directly into aws cloudwatch

miaekim opened this issue · 2 comments


It would be helpful for serverless ML architecture to publish mxboard logs into AWS cloudwatch.

import mxnet as mx
from mxboard import SummaryWriter

with SummaryWriter(loggroup='/aws/training', logstream=f'{training-job-name}/mxboard') as sw:
    for i in range(10):
        # create a normal distribution with fixed mean and decreasing std
        data = mx.nd.normal(loc=0, scale=10.0/(i+1), shape=(10, 3, 8, 8))
        sw.add_histogram(tag='norml_dist', values=data, bins=200, global_step=i)

Thanks for requesting this and it sounds like a reasonable use case. Just curious, how often do you need feature in research/production?

Every-time we run training model in experiment job!