Add ADConnector compatibility
francozulian opened this issue · 1 comments
We tried using SOCA and connecting it to an ADConnector type directory, but we needed to change code in order for it to work. This was caused because of the attribute difference between the directory types (VpcSettings | ConnectSettings)
Also, not sure if related to the ADConnector per se, but we had an issue when getting the directory dns on, as it seems to get a string with a space inbetween ([ip, ip]), what causes it to break trying to only use the first part ("[ip,")
The workaround we used (it may not be the most appropriate), was checking the directory type before looking for it's attributes, and wrapping the dns data on a str() function
I'll look forwart to hear your comments
Thanks in advance
Hey @francozulian - Sorry for the super late reply. We are about to refresh SOCA with a new version soon. I would recommend to try with the updated codebase and see if this issue still persists