
Add dynamodb:DescribeTable to DynamoDBCrudPolicy

sliedig opened this issue · 3 comments


Have a template for .NET Core 2.1 function with DynamoDBCrudPolicy.

        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
            Description: DevelopingWithStepFunctions - Marks the  incident as resolved.
            CodeUri: ./artifacts/
            Handler: ResolveIncidentTask::ResolveIncidentTask.Function::FunctionHandler
            - DynamoDBCrudPolicy:
                TableName: !Ref IncidentsTable

Function raises exception when trying to invoke PutItemAsync operation.

arn:function... is not authorized to perform: dynamodb:DescribeTable on resource: arn:table...

Adding action to new custom policy resolves the issue.

Can we please add to action to the DynamoDBCrudPolicy?

Could you submit a PR?

Any idea when this will be merged into the master branch . I faced the same issue , and for now , I have to manually add the policy from IAM to get it working after my app is deployed from the serverless app repository?
Thanks in advance.

@turjachaudhuri @sliedig This feature has now been released and is available for use