
Fix for release 2

Closed this issue · 5 comments

  • Fix bug: Metadata box plots not created when running global ISMN validation
  • Doc update: NetCDF example for CSV files missing
  • Plot update: Status plots maps (create a single map)
  • Update user manual and help page
  • Roll back #563 once the SMOS L2 data set has been reprocessed
  • discuss safety issues
  • verification report
  • mark ISMN as not recommended temporal reference (?)
  • help page
  • file size limitation
  • Release new ISMN version (some stations got lost during parallel metadata collection)
  • re-generate metadata for all ismn versions on qa4sm after next deployment.
  • new release of qa4sm-reader and use in the qa4sm environment
  • new release of qa4sm-preprocessing and use in the qa4sm environment

We have more and more issues.. maybe we should finally start fixing them...