ContextData can't be saved and loaded
maiernte opened this issue · 0 comments
maiernte commented
contextData won't be save
I try out the Example of NER, save the hero-data in an other files. It works by nlp.addCorpus() and nlp.train().
But when I call and nlp.load(), I find out that the contextData in file "heros.json" won't be save in model.nlp
"name": "Corpus test hero",
"locale": "en-US",
"contextData": "./src/data/base/heros.json",
"data": [
"intent": "hero.realname",
"utterances": [
"what is the real name of @hero"
"answers": [
"opts": "entities.hero !== undefined",
"answer": "The real name of {{ hero }} is {{ _data[entities.hero.option].realName }}"
"opts": "entities.hero === undefined",
"answer": "Sorry, I don't know the real name of {{ hero }}."
"intent": "",
"utterances": [
"where @hero lives?",
"what's the city of @hero?"
"answers": [
"{{ hero }} lives at {{ _data[entities.hero.option].city }}"
"entities": {
"hero": {
"options": {
"spiderman": ["spiderman", "spider-man"],
"ironman": ["ironman", "iron-man"],
"thor": ["thor"]