
common js support

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey @axaq, thanks for making this. It seems great. Is there any plan to add support for commonjs? Maybe we could even publish it on npm?

I'd be happy to help out w/ it.

axaq commented

Hey @jnmandal,

Sorry for the late response. commonjs support along with the basic js version would be a great addition.

To be honest, I have a lot of things in mind to improve traviso including latest standards and advanced features but my work consumes a lot of my time at the moment.

It sounds like you have experience with commonjs and convertions. May be we can use this thread/issue to create a little roadmap for it. I would appreciate any help and please let me know what kind of help you can offer.

axaq commented

With the latest release traviso is now on npm supporting both commonjs and es modules.