
How to get the entereed text which is entered in textbox while adding new item.

sharathm89 opened this issue · 2 comments

<div custom-select="g for g in growable | filter: $searchTerm" ng-model="custom1" custom-select-options="growableOptions">

As shown in the above code which is found in the examples.
How to retrieve text which is entered in textbox when adding a new item.

In the example code hardcoded item is being created rather which is entered. So how to get the entered text.

$scope.growable = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'];
$scope.growableOptions = {
    addText: 'Add new item',
    onAdd: function () {
        var newItem = 'Item ' + ($scope.growable.length + 1);
        return newItem;

It may sound silly but, as I haven't really used that feature I never thought of this simple thing. Anyway, it's fixed on this commit. Now, the text inside the search box is passed as the only parameter to the onAdd function.
