
How to select a specific object by default?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I am using this nice control, to view a list of objects { id: 0, title: "Item Title"}, which works fine, but how would I display the control when loading the page, and have a specific item selected by default?

In you controller, you could have something like

$scope.items = [{ id: 0, title: "Item Title"}];
$scope.selected = $scope.items[0];

And in your view:

<div custom-select ng-model="selected" ng-options="i for i in items"></div>

It is important that when you select a value by code, you do so by referencing the item in the source array, as opposed to creating a separate object.

It do not working with angular >= 1.4, using cs-options and async

Yes, I noticed that there are important changes in Angular 1.4 in the way select and ng-options work. The mechanism this directive uses to replicate model changes back to the view is not working properly for version 1.4 and up.

There is a new branch where this issue should be fixed. Note that the usage has changed (please re-read the short examples). I plan to merge this branch into the master as soon as I validate it doesn't have any issues.

Closed due to inactivity.