IrcBot is a twitch chat bot plugin for minecraft bukkit/spigot servers.
- Displays Twitch chat on minecraft
- Can execute minecraft command from twitch chat
- /start or /ircbot:start - Starts Twitch Bot
- /stop or /ircbot:stop - Stop Twitch Bot
- /togglechat - Enable/Disable Twitch chat in game
- !give <item_name>: gives an item to all players playing in the server.
- !items: link to item names
- !summon : Not implemented yet
When running the plugin for the first time, this config file will be generated, in plugins/Ircbot/config.yml Follow the instructions below to configure your Config file.
# Enable/Disable twitch chat in minecraft chat
# Timeout is the time between a user message in milliseconds (to prevent spam)
enable: true
timeout: 15000
# channel: channel to connect to
# username: twitch credentials username
# oauth_pwd: oauth string generated from,
channel: ''
username: ''
# Commands enabled by the bot to execute by people of chat
# example
# !give <item_name> -> performs /give @a <item_name> command in minecraft
# (nbt tags and item count are forbidden)
# !summon <entity_name> -> performs /summon <entity_name> (not implemented)
# Params
# @enable: enable / disable command
# @timeout: set timeout of a user sending the command in chat
# @shared: timeout is shared between users, when a user sends the command timeouts start couting
# @vote: (not implemented) allow voting for items between timeouts,
ignore shared property if true
enable: true
timeout: 5000
shared: false
vote: false
enable: false
timeout: 60000
shared: true
vote: false
You can still receive commands, but chat won't be shown.
- Clone repository
- From IDE Open in intellij or eclipse, run gradle build task
- From command line gradlew build
Plugin should be in build/libs when done
Thanks to Paul Mutton for its Twitch library
- Add more commands
- Implement Vote
- Create better Readme