
Type error when wrapping Route Handlers

ChristopherTrimboli opened this issue · 1 comments


/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */

import withVideos from 'next-videos';
import { withAxiom } from 'next-axiom';

const config = {
  images: {
    domains: [

  staticPageGenerationTimeout: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENV === 'local' || process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_ENV === 'dev' ? 0 : 120, // 2 min

export default withVideos(withAxiom(config));


export const GET = withAxiom((request: AxiomRequest) => {
  processNextMatch(database.db, request);


Type error: Type 'typeof import("C:/Users/chris/Documents/Github/realm-gg/realm-app/app/api/cron/apex/route")' does not satisfy the constraint '{ GET?: Function | undefined; HEAD?: Function | undefined; OPTIONS?: Function | undefined; POST?: Function | undefined; PUT?: Function | undefined; ... 10 more ...; maxDuration?: number | undefined; }'.
  Types of property 'GET' are incompatible.
    Type 'NextConfig' is missing the following properties from type 'Function': apply, call, bind, prototype, and 5 more.

  24 |   maxDuration?: number
  25 |
> 26 | }, TEntry, ''>>()
     |    ^
  27 |
  28 | // Check the prop type of the entry function
  29 | if ('GET' in entry) {

I have tried many variations of next.config plugin chaining, as well as const and function in Route Handler... always an issue. Not sure. Please help :)

This is a CRON btw.

fixed it by adding return NextResponse.json({ success: true }); inside my main handler...
Not sure if this is bug or not... but cheers :)

export const GET = withAxiom((request: AxiomRequest) => {
  processNextMatch(database.db, request);
  return NextResponse.json({ success: true });