
"next-axiom" has no exported member named 'reportWebVitals'. Did you mean 'useReportWebVitals'?

maxmandia opened this issue · 5 comments

Can't find the correct exported member - is the documentation outdated?

zoul commented

Agreed! Documentation is here, and it still uses reportWebVitals:

export { reportWebVitals } from 'next-axiom';

According to Next docs the correct hook is really useReportWebVitals, as exported from next-axiom.

@zoul It looks like the useReportWebVitals function is actually from 'next/web-vitals', not next-axiom. Confusing naming, though, that both Next and Axiom would have functions for similar purposes that are named exactly the same.

I'm working on a project that still uses the Pages router, but this link makes it look like the API is now just a component that you add to your layout.tsx (if you're using the App router).

Unclear if one would add this to their _app or _document file if using the Pages router.

zoul commented

To me it looks as though next-axiom just re-exports the useReportWebVitals function from next/web-vitals, see here. So it’s not two different functions under the same name, but one. Makes sense, maybe they want to customize the code for Axiom later without changing the API.

@zoul you nailed it. The useReportWebVitals hooks was added to Next.js as a contribution from Axiom. We use it but we provide the current pathname to the values before sending those data to Axiom. We used the same name to be consistent.

@zoul It looks like the useReportWebVitals function is actually from 'next/web-vitals', not next-axiom. Confusing naming, though, that both Next and Axiom would have functions for similar purposes that are named exactly the same.

I'm working on a project that still uses the Pages router, but this link makes it look like the API is now just a component that you add to your layout.tsx (if you're using the App router).

Unclear if one would add this to their _app or _document file if using the Pages router.

The current version supports the App navigation method, for the legacy navigation you could fallback for v0.18.0 If I recall correctly.