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Trying to test sending logs from local dev environment, all the docs and issues talk about setting NEXT_PUBLIC_AXIOM_INGEST_ENDPOINT but no mention of what value this should be set to.

What should this value be set to?
And can someone please confirm this will allow me to send logs from my local dev env, not vercel.

I think the value should be

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I've set this var and this is my test result doing a simple using useLogger() in a client component:

  • Locally, don't see the message in console, nor any event in dashboard

  • Vercel preview, I see the message in console, but no event in dashboard.

You can remove this var if you are not using Vercel integration, normally you would use AXIOM_URL instead but it has a default value, so you can just add AXIOM_TOKEN and AXIOM_DATASET and should be good to go.

Solved. The value is automatically generated and inserted when the vercel integration is set up. One must copy the env var + value from Vercel if needed.