
Is there higlight priority in vim

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In my case I have auto-highlight enabled for words which are the same as the one under cursor:

I wonder if there is such thing as priority of rendering background color? So that footprints would not 'cover' the word highlight?
If not then I was thinking - maybe footstep could have option - highlight only first column in changed lines? It would work almost like gitsigns (without having too wory for conflict since gitsigns in drawing signs on left of line number, and footprints would draw in the buffer - on right of line number) .
EDIT: I noticed we could higlight first line sing by changing line in updatematches:
silent! let id = matchadd(highlightGroupName, '\%'.lineNr.'l^.', -100009)

I can see there is -100000 for priority - but it does not seem to work with :
autocmd CursorHold <buffer> lua vim.lsp.buf.document_highlight()
in neovim.