
Gearlock scripts detected as Trojan.Linux.Fubas.a virus in Bliss OS 11.13

samkhan13 opened this issue · 8 comments

Describe the bug

Kaspersky detected a number of Gearlock components as a virus titled Trojan.Linux.Fubas.a in "Bliss-v11.13--OFFICIAL-20201113-1525_x86_64_k-k4.19.122-ax86-ga-rmi_m-20.1.0-llvm90_dgc-t3_gms_intelhd.iso"

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Use Kaspersky Total Security to scan the above mentioned iso that was downloaded from

Expected behavior

An antivirus scanner shouldn't find a viral signature within packaged and promoted software. Kaspersky appears to think of various components of Gearlock as parts of a rootkit.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Bliss-v11.13

GearDump logs

Not Applicable

Additional context

Routine antivirus scan detected the issue.



It might be because BlissOS 11.13 contain an old version of Gearlock, or your PC got infected with something
I tried to pick up a file in the list core/smark.src/5 and all the antivirus scan report safe, even Kas

Irony, it's assuming a bunch of plain bash scripts as viruses, which in fact are readable code and not even compiled executables.

I don't have access to a windows machine ATM to look over this, sorry. Although I should note that any Linux specific program such a gearlock can't run under windows normally, so nothing to worry about even if this isn't a false alert

It might be because BlissOS 11.13 contain an old version of Gearlock.

It's actually not. OhMyRam(a file with this name exists in his screenshot) feature was added in a very recent version of gearlock.

It might be because BlissOS 11.13 contain an old version of Gearlock.

It's actually not. OhMyRam(a file with this name exists in his screenshot) feature was added in a very recent version of gearlock.

But it's 11.13, weird

It might be because BlissOS 11.13 contain an old version of Gearlock.

It's actually not. OhMyRam(a file with this name exists in his screenshot) feature was added in a very recent version of gearlock.

But it's 11.13, weird

After looking at the logs, OhMyRam feature was added on 6.8.9 release, so it's either exactly that version or above.

Another thing worth nothing is that any file being uploaded to sourceforge gets scanned before actually appearing publicly.

thank you for looking into this. Bliss OS team's github page isn't allowing me to open an issue there. The compiled iso was indeed being detected as a trojan virus but it's a false detection. The iso file was to be used in a virtual machine so it wouldn't have been any kind of a problem for the base OS. This issue can be closed. Thanks again for looking into it :)

So what fix made it closed? Reporting to virus databases for false positive?