
No notifications

abhisekp opened this issue · 3 comments

I'm using Ubuntu 15.10 (64-bit). I don't see any notifications.

Here is my code

import test from 'tape';
import tapNotify from 'tap-notify';
import tapDiff from 'tap-diff';
import promisify from 'tape-promise';

const testp = promisify(test);


const delay = (time = 5000) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  // setTimeout(() => resolve('Success is at your feet'), time);
  setTimeout(() => reject(Error('BIG FAIL!!!')), time + 2000);

testp('Hello', async (t) => {
  try {
    t.pass(await delay());
  } catch (e) {
    t.error(e, e.message);
  } finally {

test('Test Successful', (t) => {
  t.pass('Successful Comrade');
  t.equal('oK', 'oK', `'oK' should be equal to 'oK'`);

I have the same issue. I get notifications if I use the cli instead of streams, however, like so:

$ tape test/*.js | ./node_modules/tap-notify/distributions/cli.js

@abhisekp Any updates on this? I'm having the same issue on Mac, I'd prefer to use the streams instead of the CLI.

Thank you for report. I'll try to fix it.