Error wheny trying to use http image in html template
rsegerink opened this issue · 1 comments
rsegerink commented
When I want to use an image by referencing it by http(s), I get an NotSupportedException error. It seems that it still wants to resolve an http:// image to a file:// image.
bij System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission.QuickDemand(FileIOPermissionAccess access, String fullPath, Boolean checkForDuplicates, Boolean needFullPath)
bij MailMergeLib.Tools.MakeFullPath(String basename, String filename)
bij MailMergeLib.HtmlBodyBuilder.ReplaceImgSrcByCid()
bij MailMergeLib.HtmlBodyBuilder.GetBodyPart()
bij MailMergeLib.MailMergeMessage.BuildTextMessagePart(Object dataIteam)
bij MailMergeLib.MailMergeMessage.GetMimeMessage(Object dataItem)
axunonb commented
Bug should be removed with v5.2.0.0