Feature request: Actionable notifications like in iOS app
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi! First of all thank you for this great app! It is very easy to use and helps a lot!
I have an idea or better to say it is a feature request. Namely many struggle with notifications and especially with actionable notifications. I think HTML5 actionable notifications is not the best solution as it depends on a web browser.
It would be really great if this feature would be integrated into this app. I'm not a Android developer so I don't know about the challenges, but I would like to raise interest in this feature. I think it also depends on Home Assistant features, but I hope it is possible to connect this app with HA notifications somehow. If successful then maybe this App will become official Android App for HA?
So I think if everyone will join forces, then this feature would be also a reality in Android world. Currently iOS developers have made this feature possible on iOS. I think it is time for Android also :-)
Let's see how much interest this gets.
PS! Here's link for iOS feature: https://www.home-assistant.io/docs/ecosystem/ios/notifications/actions/
A little update on this feature request
While browsing HA forums, I stumbled upon this topic:
User Alexxander0 found a solution to Android notifications and user Crewski added the Actionable Notifications functionality. It uses Google firebase service, but it is a good starting point.
Here are some screenshots from that topic:
Does anyone (with more knowledge) have interest in checking out that code and try it in this app?
Thats sounds fantastic, and i think it would be nice if the homeassist can do that aswell, by the way, im continuing to improve the app on my repo, check it out: https://github.com/payano/homeassist-ng