
examples/kprobetcp shows no output

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I try to run examples/kprobetcp and it compiles well, but it shows no output. I can only cancel it with Ctrl-C. Am I overseeing some logging configuration?
I did not do any modifications to this program. I suspect that the program is working, but the Terminal output is not shown properly, see also below.

I actually try to develop a uprobe. This works so far well and I can run it, but I do not use env_logger::init();, but instead


Then I can see log message from my application (if I use env_logger::init(); I do not see anything). However, everything from the eBPF program is not visible except the log level:

23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:67] Configuring operation filter
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:69] Configuring application: curl
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:70] Configuring application cmd: /usr/bin/curl
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:71] Configuring application cmd args: ["-6", "https://example.org"]
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:72] Configuring application openssl_lib: /usr/lib64/libssl.so.1.1
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:88] Waiting for Ctrl-C...
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
^C23:12:20 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:90] Exiting...

It should actually display for the lines

23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 

A log message from the uprobe:

/// returns 0 if probe successfully executed, 1 if not
#[uprobe(name = "osslreadprobe")]
pub fn openssl_read_probe(ctx: ProbeContext) -> u32 {
        "UProbe OpenSSL Read"
   return 0;

Any idea why? Am I missing some Terminal configuration.

Edit, ok solved the issue with the kprobe: You need to execute it as follows:

RUST_LOG=info cargo xtask run --release

See: https://github.com/aya-rs/book/pull/84/files

When you run the program using env_logger rather than TermLogger, how are you running it? What is the value of the RUST_LOG environment variable during execution?

Whoops never mind, glad you found your solution ๐Ÿ––

Thanks a lot though! Also it solves the example, I have not solved my uprobe issue :(
I have the following uprobe:



use aya_bpf::{
    macros::uprobe, macros::uretprobe, programs::ProbeContext,
use aya_log_ebpf::{info,warn};

/// returns 0 if probe successfully executed, 1 if not
#[uprobe(name = "osslreadprobe")]
pub fn openssl_read_probe(ctx: ProbeContext) -> u32 {
        "UProbe OpenSSL Read"
   return 0;

And the following application loading it:

    let mut bpf = Bpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    let mut bpf = Bpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    if let Err(e) = BpfLogger::init(&mut bpf) {
        // This can happen if you remove all log statements from your eBPF program.
        warn!("failed to initialize eBPF logger: {}", e);
                let program: &mut UProbe =
                program.attach(Some("SSL_read"), 0,application_definition.openssl_lib, None)?;

While now the logging output is shown - I do get only the log level from the EBPF - not the log message. Running it with RUST_INFO before now:

23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:67] Configuring operation filter
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:69] Configuring application: curl
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:70] Configuring application cmd: /usr/bin/curl
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:71] Configuring application cmd args: ["-6", "https://example.org"]
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:72] Configuring application openssl_lib: /usr/lib64/libssl.so.1.1
23:12:10 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:88] Waiting for Ctrl-C...
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
23:12:17 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter: [src/main.rs:17] 
^C23:12:20 [INFO] uprobe_libcall_filter_app: [src/main.rs:90] Exiting...

So I can confirm that the uprobe is triggered ( I trigger curl and the INFO messages show up and the right times), but the message is not displayed.

Maybe I should create the issue under the aya project?

Just wanted to share in case it is helpful that you can use ```rust when creating code blocks to get syntax highting:

#[uprobe(name = "osslreadprobe")]
pub fn openssl_read_probe(ctx: ProbeContext) -> u32 {
        "UProbe OpenSSL Read"
   return 0;

On first glance it's not clear to me why it's omitting the contents from your info!() logs though ๐Ÿค”

Once sec I'll go try the example out locally too...

Alright, so first I just tried the example and it was logging properly, then I converted it to a uprobe with this eBPF code:


mod binding;

use aya_bpf::{macros::uprobe, programs::ProbeContext};
use aya_log_ebpf::info;

#[uprobe(name = "osslreadprobe")]
pub fn openssl_read_probe(ctx: ProbeContext) -> u32 {
    info!(&ctx, "UProbe OpenSSL Read");
    return 0;

fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
    unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() }

And this loader code:

use aya::{include_bytes_aligned, programs::UProbe, Bpf};
use aya_log::BpfLogger;
use clap::Parser;
use log::{info, warn};
use tokio::signal;

#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct Opt {}

async fn main() -> Result<(), anyhow::Error> {
    let _opt = Opt::parse();


    // This will include your eBPF object file as raw bytes at compile-time and load it at
    // runtime. This approach is recommended for most real-world use cases. If you would
    // like to specify the eBPF program at runtime rather than at compile-time, you can
    // reach for `Bpf::load_file` instead.
    let mut bpf = Bpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    let mut bpf = Bpf::load(include_bytes_aligned!(
    if let Err(e) = BpfLogger::init(&mut bpf) {
        // This can happen if you remove all log statements from your eBPF program.
        warn!("failed to initialize eBPF logger: {}", e);
    let program: &mut UProbe =
    program.attach(Some("SSL_read"), 0, "/usr/lib64/libssl.so.3", None)?;

    info!("Waiting for Ctrl-C...");


(note: I just left the name as kprobetcp ๐Ÿคท)

And then ran it:

$ RUST_LOG=info cargo xtask run --release

and then ran curl:

$ curl https://kernel.org

And I did get the expected log output:

$ RUST_LOG=info cargo xtask run --release
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1.84s
   Compiling kprobetcp v0.1.0 (/home/shane/Code/book/examples/kprobetcp/kprobetcp)
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 1.80s
[2023-01-24T00:37:28Z INFO  kprobetcp] Waiting for Ctrl-C...
[2023-01-24T00:37:30Z INFO  kprobetcp] UProbe OpenSSL Read
[2023-01-24T00:37:30Z INFO  kprobetcp] UProbe OpenSSL Read
[2023-01-24T00:37:30Z INFO  kprobetcp] UProbe OpenSSL Read
[2023-01-24T00:37:30Z INFO  kprobetcp] UProbe OpenSSL Read
[2023-01-24T00:37:30Z INFO  kprobetcp] UProbe OpenSSL Read
^C[2023-01-24T00:37:33Z INFO  kprobetcp] Exiting...

So unless I'm missing something, it's not entirely clear to me yet why yours is not logging ๐Ÿค”

If you'd like to try it, I pushed the entire program up into a branch here: https://github.com/shaneutt/book/tree/uprobe

If you continue to run into trouble and can't get it to work: yeah I think maybe putting another separate issue into the main repository make sense.

thanks a lot for testing and all the effort. I am sure it is only related to some of my settings and will probably start from scratch again...

After that I will add it to my experiences with Aya and eBPF in general: https://github.com/ZuInnoTe/rust-ebpf-localnet-kernel-filter-study

I found the issue. I used as a dependency in Cargo.lock: git+https://github\.com/aya-rs/aya\?branch=main#1899d5f4fd3ec5d91e40a94d671a7756125a4487

You used an older version: git+https://github.com/aya-rs/aya?branch=main#b3ae7786d335fd0294a6ddecf3f31ef28d56af9d

I think some of the commits in-between corrupted something.

Will create an issue in the aya project.

Thanks a lot again!

Np, glad you found the problem! ๐Ÿฅ‚