
A GitHub action for typechecking Agda code.

Primary LanguageShell

A GitHub Action for Agda

This is a GitHub action for typechecking your Agda code. It also runs agda --html on your code so you can access the generated HTML.

My aim in building this action was to be able to publish the generated HTML on GitHub Pages, but as far as I understand it, the design of GitHub Pages makes this hard to do. If you know how to do this in an easy way please open up an issue so we can add that feature.


To be able to use this action, there should be a single file in your Agda development that you want to typecheck. If this is not the case, add a new root file that imports all the other files you are interested in typechecking. Assuming that such a file, say Foo.agda, exists, you just need to create a file .github/workflows/main.yml in your repository that has the content:

on: [push]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    name: Typechecking
    - name: "Clone repository"
      uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - name: Run Agda
      id: typecheck
      uses: ayberkt/agda-github-action@v1.1
        main-file: Foo.agda
        source-dir: src
    - name: Upload HTML
      id: html-upload
      uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
        name: html
        path: html

So, you provide two arguments to this action: the name of your root file and the directory in which that file lives (e.g., src).


Version Agda version used
v3.4 2.6.4