exifLooter: command not found
andre-santos1 opened this issue · 4 comments
I installed using:
go install github.com/aydinnyunus/exifLooter@latest
Then I navigated to the folder where my target test file was located, opened terminal there and then runned:
exifLooter --image IMG_0001.JPG
Doing that I get the error:
exifLooter: command not found
I also tried to run the following command from terminal:
exifLooter --image /home/osint/Downloads/IMG_0001.JPG
Same error:
exifLooter: command not found
I have go installed since i ran:
sudo apt install golang-go -y
What should I do?
What is your Golang Version ?
go version go1.18.1 linux/amd64
I installed using:
go install github.com/aydinnyunus/exifLooter@latest
Then I navigated to the folder where my target test file was located, opened terminal there and then runned:
exifLooter --image IMG_0001.JPG
Doing that I get the error:
exifLooter: command not found
I also tried to run the following command from terminal:
exifLooter --image /home/osint/Downloads/IMG_0001.JPG
Same error:
exifLooter: command not found
I have go installed since i ran:
sudo apt install golang-go -y
What should I do?
Navigate where the application was installed. Do a search of the application with "find / -iname exifLooter".
This search give me the following result: /home/myusername/go/bin
Hope this be useful to you.
You install the package but probably installed folder is not on your PATH variable. You can add it searching according to your Operating System.
In Kali Linux, you can install the package with apt-get install exiflooter