- I'm using Laravel 5.8
- PHP >= 7.1.3
I'm using database seeds to visualize real data,
ActuallyYou can give up on database seeds.
Please make sure to follow these instructions:
npm install
composer install
- If you are using phpstorm install .env files support plugin and create a .env file
- Copy the .env file content from .env.example file and edit these fields:
- dont forget to create the database ex: access
php artisan:migrate
php artisan db:seed -—class=UserTableSeeder
php artisan db:seed —-class=VisitsTableSeeder
php artisan key:generate
php artisan serve
- click on register and create a new account
- there you go !
if something is wrong please try to use:
composer dump-autoload
How it works:
- In dashboard you find a stats of visits ( by device, by browser etc).
- Each time you open My visits the server increase your visits number, there you find all your visits also you can remove on of them.
- In users info you find all the users visits with the tracking link
- You can use the tracking link to see each user visits.