
express knex sqlite3 body-parser express-validator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple library management system built with Node.js, Express, SQLite3, and Knex.js.

Table of Contents


Creating Git Repo

echo "# Librarian" >> README.md
git init
git add README.md
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin https://github.com/aykutmayali/Librarian.git
git push -u origin main

1. Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/aykutmayali/Librarian.git
cd Librarian


    npm init -y

Install necessary dependencies:

    npm install express knex sqlite3 body-parser express-validator
    npm install --save-dev nodemon
- Express: A minimal web framework for Node.js.
- Knex: SQL query builder for handling database queries.
- SQLite3: A simple relational database for this use case.
- Express-validator: For request validation.
- Nodemon: Automatically restarts the server on file changes

Database Migrations

    npx knex migrate:make create_users --knexfile ./config/knexfile.js
    npx knex migrate:make create_books --knexfile ./config/knexfile.js
    npx knex migrate:make create_borrowed_books --knexfile ./config/knexfile.js
- Permissions:
    chmod -R 755 db/
- After defining migrations
    npx knex migrate:latest --knexfile ./config/knexfile.js

Models, Controllers, Routes as defined, in their own paths


    npm run dev (developer mode)


### Build Docker Image

    docker build -t librarian .

Run Docker Image

    docker run -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd)/db:/usr/src/app/db librarian

API Documentation

The API is documented using Postman. The Postman Collection is located in the API Collection folder.

Example Routes

  • GET /users: Retrieve all users
  • POST /users: Create a new user
  • GET /books: Retrieve all books
  • POST /users/:userId/borrow/:bookId: Borrow a book
  • POST /users/:userId/return/:bookId: Return a book


  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch:
   git checkout -b feature-branch
  1. Commit your changes:
   git commit -m 'Add new feature'
  1. Push to the branch:
   git push origin feature-branch
  1. Create a new Pull Request