
Rewrite rules are broken

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Please refer to issue #1 for my setup. The .htaccess line RewriteBase /exposition seems to cause or not prevent a rewrite to http://localhost/, so a browser refresh throws me out of the gallery.

I think RewriteBase /exposition is not enough. Try also changing the line just below from RewriteRule ^(.+)/?$ ?path=/$1 [L,R] to RewriteRule ^(.+)/exposition/?$ ?path=/$1 [L,R] or something like that.

As I said, I do really support deploying to anything but '/' at the moment.

PS: Sorry I cannot test this now.

No, I tried some variations on that, same spiel. I'll have a look at your js code over the weekend; maybe I can come up with a patch.

Oh yeah. It clashes with the HTML5 history rewrite...