
Continuous integration beyond Travis

vielmetti opened this issue ยท 5 comments

I'm interested in opening up a discussion of Ayo's plans for continuous integration and other testing, especially as it affects non-Intel target systems (Raspberry Pi, arm64, and others).

One of the things that's attractive about the Node.JS ecosystem is extensive testing on ARM platforms, and first-class support. This doesn't yet look like it's attainable with Ayo's current Travis-CI only testing. The only comment I saw was to the effect that Raspberry Pi builds were really slow, which got in the way of a fast CI loop.

I know it's early days but I'd like to see some guidance and/or a request for community resources.

Qard commented

There's been some discussion in the discourse channel, but nothing solid yet. I, too, would like to see ARM support but, as far as I'm aware, there are no ARM CI providers. We'd need our own infra for that. A possibility might be setting up some Jenkins workers on Scaleway or some other equivalent.

Thanks @Qard - I'm at Packet, where we provide some ARM infra to the Node.JS project for their CI using Jenkins as part of the "Works on ARM" project. I don't want to unnecessarily duplicate efforts of course, but we are looking a particular way (with development in progress) to get ARM CI in place that could be more sharable across projects to get good dense use of CI nodes.

Qard commented

Ah, right. Forgot Packet did ARM. ๐Ÿ˜…

Reusable ARM CI would definitely be excellent. Especially if it could be used with other languages too. I'm sure the Rust community would like to see that too. ๐Ÿ‘

Yeah, our goal is to make an ARM CI as easy to use as Travis is right now. I know that's a big goal, but necessary.

Qard commented

That'd be ๐Ÿ’ฏ