
old shell

Primary LanguageC



  • gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o hsh
  • Betty style.
  • No memory leaks
  • No more than 5 functions per file

1. Simple shell 0.1

Usage: simple_shell


  • Display a prompt and wait for the user to type a command. A command line always ends with a new line.

  • The prompt is displayed again each time a command has been executed.

  • The command lines are simple, no semicolons, no pipes, no redirections or any other advanced features.

  • The command lines are made only of one word. No arguments will be passed to programs.

  • If an executable cannot be found, print an error message and display the prompt again.

  • Handle errors.

  • You have to handle the “end of file” condition (Ctrl+D)
