
Missing docker configuration file in latest-arm64v8?

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I'm not sure if I'm noobing hard at Docker, but I have pulled this image

Following the guide, running docker compose up -d gets me this result: no configuration file provided: not found

Invoking docker images gets me this result.

REPOSITORY                     TAG              IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
ayufan/proxmox-backup-server   latest-arm64v8   8385a2b9ec77   6 weeks ago   1.31GB

I'm suspecting that there is no docker-compose.yml file and unsure if this is expected (and I just know the correct proces) or my use case is just undocumented?

Trying to install this on a Raspberry Pi 4 with Raspbian 11 (Bullseye).

Have you created the yml file? You have to create a docker-compose.yml file. Then copy the contents from this and setup your volumes. https://github.com/ayufan/pve-backup-server-dockerfiles/blob/master/docker-compose.yml

I too am getting problems trying to run this image in my raspberry pi 4. I am able to run the compose file up, but the container just sit there restarting with error code 159.


@pjpm15 Thanks that got me started.

I was able to get to the same result as @dth202 and I have no idea what to do next since I cannot find out what "ExitCode 159" is.

Exit code 159 is referring to the missing Arch when trying to start the docker container.
If you try and run the container manually with a simple docker run command on the image I get:

WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/arm64/v8) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm/v8) and no specific platform was requested

I thought I had verified that I had the 64 bit version of raspbian installed, but I guess it looks like I have the 32 bit...

root@pi401:~# getconf LONG_BIT

So the hardware is 64 bit capable, but Raspbian is running the 32 bit Linux kernel?

Architecture: aarch64

getconf LONG_BIT

I'm pretty sure I installed Raspbian (Debian 11 - Bullseye) 64-bit.
So is it actually possible to get the 64 bit Linux kernel running on a Raspberry Pi (question for tomorrow).

@dth202 I solved the 159 error by installing OS from scratch. Turns out I had installed "2023-05-03-raspios-bullseye-armhf-lite.img.xz".

By installing "2023-05-03-raspios-bullseye-arm64-lite.img.xz" it now reports as 64 bit when calling getconf LONG_BIT. Maybe that is your issue too?

Yes, you need arm64 system. The armhf will not work, since PBS requires 64 bit all the time.