
A virtual/video game is simulation of a real world sport/game or a scenario, traditionally implemented on a digital systems such as a computer or a dedicated hardware gaming console, generally using traditional sequential programming languages, mainly C/C++. In this project we implement the electronic BRICK SMASHER game which is based on real world BRICK SMASHER game on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) using Verilog HDL. Implementation in HDL (Hardware Description Language) is quite different from Implementation in sequential languages mainly because of the parallel nature of the HDLs, where sequential language code is executed by a digital core step by step, HDL code describes the functioning of a digital hardware, it is taken by synthesis tools that try to find a digital hardware implementation of the description, thus there is no step by step execution of the statement of HDL, and each statement is a smaller circuit in itself. The system is implemented on FPGA, which are modern programmable logic devices, i.e. we can program almost any digital function in it. Newer FPGA are capable of holding complete systems on them. They are called field programmable as they can be reprogrammed after manufacturing when they are in the field. They are sometimes called ‘sea of gates’, as that is what they exactly are, they consist of millions CLB (Complex Logic Blocks) arranged in a matrix interconnected by a network of programmable fuses. Each CLB is capable of implementing 3-4 input logic functions through LUTs (Look-up Table) and Flip Flops, exact capabilities of the CLBs depend on the Architecture of particular FPGA family.

Primary LanguageVerilog


A virtual/video game is simulation of a real world sport/game or a scenario, traditionally implemented on a digital systems such as a computer or a dedicated hardware gaming console, generally using traditional sequential programming languages, mainly C/C++. In this project we implement the electronic BRICK SMASHER game which is based on real world BRICK SMASHER game on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) using Verilog HDL. Implementation in HDL (Hardware Description Language) is quite different from Implementation in sequential languages mainly because of the parallel nature of the HDLs, where sequential language code is executed by a digital core step by step, HDL code describes the functioning of a digital hardware, it is taken by synthesis tools that try to find a digital hardware implementation of the description, thus there is no step by step execution of the statement of HDL, and each statement is a smaller circuit in itself. The system is implemented on FPGA, which are modern programmable logic devices, i.e. we can program almost any digital function in it. Newer FPGA are capable of holding complete systems on them. They are called field programmable as they can be reprogrammed after manufacturing when they are in the field. They are sometimes called ‘sea of gates’, as that is what they exactly are, they consist of millions CLB (Complex Logic Blocks) arranged in a matrix interconnected by a network of programmable fuses. Each CLB is capable of implementing 3-4 input logic functions through LUTs (Look-up Table) and Flip Flops, exact capabilities of the CLBs depend on the Architecture of particular FPGA family.