
for websocket on-message's client request from the text file new line (Enter) not accepted by using of stubby4j any solution or guideline to use new line in requested file, my requirement is, in requested text file must use multiline value

Closed this issue · 9 comments

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Hi @kumarpramodlohar , it is hard to understand 100% what your problem is since you packed so much information into the issue subject field. Can you please describe in detail using a new comment what is your use-case and what you are trying to achieve. Thank you

Hi azagniotov,
I have one of microservice for getting real time information, using spring boot, websocket, stomp, kafka for messages broker, scenario is I need to stubbed this service for the developer, they use this mocking service in his local, so I am facing below issues when I used this library. in yaml config file, on-message of client-request I need to pass multiline value ending with null characters, but some how in request file null character not accepted by stubby4j show me 404 error, how to handle this one by your stubby4j library. and one more issue is how to pass parameter value in uri properties like: ws://localhost:

request should like below:

@kumarpramodlohar thank you. Would you be able to provide an example of the YAML config you used for stubby4j? I will need it in order to try to reproduce the behavior you are seeing


Hi azagniotov,
Thanks for your prompt reply, please find zip file for yml config and also sample of request file attached.

Hi Azagniotov,
Any suggestion or solutions, please let me know, I am waiting for your response.

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