
PDFs taking precedence

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Most of the time my search results are dominated by 10-20 PDF's that have very little relation to my search term, while way down in the results list will be a gdoc or gsheet that almost exactly matches the search query.

The short answer is that proper filter and ranking really ought to be done by Alfred, but it currently does not offer a satisfying solution, and implementing it in the workflow is problematic both because Alfred does some re-ordering of results (based on last recently used) and because it would be very difficult to do proper learning (e.g. when you want i to match Invoices rather Inventory).

This was actually the straw that broke the camel’s back for me, and made me stop developing this workflow, and instead write a replacement for Alfred which improves on the shortcomings I discovered while rewriting this workflow.

It’s currently in private beta, if you would like an invite, let me know.

Yes I’d love to check it out.  This workflow was the entire reason I paid for Alfred.

I’ve invited you to a private repository from where you can download a beta.

Use “Authenticate Google Drive” to add your Google Drive items to the beta release. After this you have your Google Drive items at the root level (not hidden behind d as in Alfred) and there are also “New Document/Spreadsheet…” actions on the root level.

The cache is automatically refreshed when creating new documents, and otherwise after 10 minutes, but you can force a refresh with the “Clear Google Drive Cache” item.

P.S. Closing this issue, as I think it’s really an issue with Alfred.