
Improve Data Styling

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Currently it looks like this:


Improvements we may consider:

  • Making the text bigger
  • Making the text more centered
  • Using different fonts / styling

We should keep in mind that some units (for example for Salinity / Conductivity) can get pretty long.

We may consider changing what the units look like, for example using or °C instead of deg C.

In some cases, we may not want to show the units at all, such as pH where they come as FNU.

Prefer using units that correspond with text already in the app.

Consider making the live value not white, but a shade of the respective color.

Add The Schuylkill River today: header before the value.

Add subtext below the value: This value is coming from a sensor nearby in the river or something along those lines.

Seemed like we should probably have a distinctive header/subtext for displaying fallback values, so I've temporarily written:

header: "Typical Schuylkill measurement:"
subtext: "A common sensor reading for this time of year."

Prefer using units that correspond with text already in the app.

This was already done in #14 & previous.

I wonder if it would make sense to put the unit in the header somehow, like "The current temperature in the Schuylkill is:" etc.

These are all good ideas - I'd like to have a designer take a quick pass at it next sprint as well.