
RegisterCreatureEvent not working for script AI boss

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Try test , will find the RegisterCreatureEvent not working any more. not only methed 9 , but all can not.

-- .go c 76586

local function OnDamageTaken(event, creature, attacker, damage)
RegisterCreatureEvent(21878, 9, OnDamageTaken)

It seems only script AI boss cant work.

local function OnDamageTaken(event, creature, attacker, damage)
if attacker:IsPlayer() then

-- .go c 76586
-- OK
RegisterCreatureEvent(21878, 9, OnDamageTaken)

-- .go c 40527
-- Fault for script AI boss
RegisterCreatureEvent(22887, 9, OnDamageTaken)

You can not use 2 AIs for Unit in parallel. If a creature has a .cpp script, it will use it instead of any Lua AI. If a creature has SAI, it will use SAI until it respawns. Then switch to Lua instead of SAI.

Thanks, I see , so something must register to word even or player even to replace the boss LUA AI