
Player:ResetPetTalents() will case worldsever error shutdown

Closed this issue · 3 comments

when I use lua Player:ResetPetTalents() ,the server down. but 6mouth before it has no problem.
I try use game NPC that training the hunter to reset pet's talent, the server ok.

My best guess is, that it's a core issue and not related to Eluna at all. Needs a dev to investigate.

Using .reset talents while targeting a pet works.

the error code are same as the picture, which source code are at pet.cpp
When use '.reset talents', server are ok, but use the lua, the sever down, so might server change the code, and eluna not suite for the new code.

Can not reproduce anymore. Thanks @Nefertumm for looking into it.
If it keeps happening for you, please provide details about your environment and comment here @kissingers .