
RegisterInstanceEvent( instance_id, event, function ) does not fire

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Tested with

function InitInstance(event, instance_data, map)
    print("InitInstance 1")
function LoadInstance(event, instance_data, map)
    print("LoadInstance 2")
function UpdateInstance(event, instance_data, map)
    print("UpdateInstance 3")
function PlayerEnterInstance(event, instance_data, map)
    print("PlayerEnterInstance 4")
function CreatureCreateInInstance(event, instance_data, map)
    print("CreatureCreateInInstance 5")
function GOCreateInInstance(event, instance_data, map)
    print("GOCreateInInstance 6")
function EncounterInProgress(event, instance_data, map)
    print("EncounterInProgress 7")

RegisterInstanceEvent(36, 1, InitInstance, 0)
RegisterInstanceEvent(36, 2, LoadInstance, 0)
RegisterInstanceEvent(36, 3, UpdateInstance, 0)
RegisterInstanceEvent(36, 4, PlayerEnterInstance, 0)
RegisterInstanceEvent(36, 5, CreatureCreateInInstance, 0)
RegisterInstanceEvent(36, 6, GOCreateInInstance, 0)
RegisterInstanceEvent(36, 7, EncounterInProgress, 0)

instanceData = sEluna->GetInstanceData(instanceMap);

As you may see, sEluna->GetInstanceData is called to create a new instance data, but it is assigned to instanceData which is actually just a local variable.

Is there a plan when this issue will be fixed?

Mod-eluna and Azerothcore are open source projects. There is no schedule to fix certain issues and our voluntary contributors pick issues according to their skills and preferences.
Anyone can provide a bounty for issues, if they wish to have it resolved as fast as possible.