changePage problem.
rendom opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi im testing out this plugin and i really like it.
But i just notice one problem, i think i have misunderstood something but i hope someone can help me out here :).
I run "address.html?id="+String(data), { transition: "slide"} );
and its working fine but my handler dosent get trigged.
My router
var router=new $.mobile.Router({
"/address.html(?:?)?": {handler: "address", events: "s"},
address: function(type, match, ui) { alert("hej"); }
I'm glad you find it useful ;)
I guess the problem is the regexp, since it starts with "/".
Can you try
$.mobile.changePage("./address.html?id="... etc?)
to see if it solves the problem?
Hm github destroyed the regex, check here insted
I tested to run this "address.html", { transition: "slide"} ); but i get the same result, the page changes correct but no alert.
The regexp is fine, try changing the .changePage line to: "./address.html", { transition: "slide"} );
Prefixing the page name with "./" ensures that the regexp will always match.
Yeh i just notice that my page dosent got loaded correctly :)
Thanks for the help and support :), back to developing my "app" ;).