
835 - missing Adjustment Reason Code

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Ele 7 - (272) is not a valid code for Adjustment Reason Code (CAS02)

Is there a way to add current codes -- OR -- just warn during validation

You do not happen to have an example of the looping over 835's? I guess I could read the XML and come up with the structure. Thanks

I will review the current adjustment reason codes. This codeset is listed in the file codes.xml.

You can ignore external codesets with the command line flag --exclude_external_codes.

For example: ---exclude_external_codes adjustment_reason

I haven't worked with 835 recently. What loop in the 835 are you wanting to enumerate? I would do something like:

src = pyx12.x12context.X12ContextReader(param, errh, fd_in)
for datatree in src.iter_segments('2300'): # enumerate 2300 
    # do something with a 2300 claim loop
    # we have access to the 2300 loop and all its children
    for loop2400 in'2400'):

This is an 837 example. Pick the 835 loop you're wanting to extract data from.

yup - I get it now. Thanks for checking on the CARC. Where do you get the update XML from?


The official codeset is published by

I have been removing some of the less-stable external codesets from pyx12. We really want to validate what's baked into the 5010 implementation guide and will not change without a published addendum.

I'm going to remove this codeset from the specs. There is a constant level of adds and deletions of codes. Any list I build will never be or stay correct,

Removed the codeset.