
Feature Request: Remove validation of external defined code sets

azoner opened this issue · 4 comments

Code set values for certain X12 elements were included in the original implementation guide, and also listed an external defining organization. These code sets can and do change out of tempo with the X12 major versions and addendum.

Maintenance of these code sets has been infrequent; which can result in validation issue.

I propose removing the validation of any code set that depends on external definers, where the code is likely to change between major X12 versions. These would include:


These code set identifiers and associate code values are defined in the file codes.xml

Let me know what you think.

it would be better to allow validation as an optional switch for any x12 source file validation or transformation operation. In other words without the switch, no validation of the external defined code sets would happen. With switch on - validation of external defined code sets could occur. With validation on - the code sets should be maintained in a separate file (outside of code) - that can be maintained outside of code and modified as needed by any user of the library as needed.

I like that idea in general. The external codesets are already in an external file - codes.xml. Users are free to make modifications to their local copy.

state and country might be stable enough to default to always on. The simple approach is your idea of defaulting to no external validation.

so default - no validation. and if switched on via arg/param - caveat re: using/reviewing codes.xml. as a happy user of pyx12 - I would be good with this personally.

I will implement