
Neurodynamics CS1

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Computationl neurodynamics
Exercise Sheet 4: Dynamical complexity

Alex Baramilis
Lukasz Koprowski
Antoine Montavon
Agata Mosinska

Throughout the code (in global connectivity matrix) neurons 1:800 are
excitatory, 801:1000 are inhibitory.

We used provided scripts to calculate Small World Index and to
simulate Izhikevich's neuron model.

Question 1
Script used to generate the data: mainEx1.m
MatLab plots for this question are placed in folder: ./Figures1/

p = 0.5
a) 1.fig - Connectivity matrix
b) 2.fig - Excitatory and Inhibitory neuron firings
c) 3.fig - Mean firing rate for excitatory hubs

p = 0.4
a) 4.fig - Connectivity matrix
b) 5.fig - Excitatory and Inhibitory neuron firings
c) 6.fig - Mean firing rate for excitatory hubs

p = 0.3
a) 7.fig - Connectivity matrix
b) 8.fig - Excitatory and Inhibitory neuron firings
c) 9.fig - Mean firing rate for excitatory hubs

p = 0.2
a) 10.fig - Connectivity matrix
b) 11.fig - Excitatory and Inhibitory neuron firings
c) 12.fig - Mean firing rate for excitatory hubs

p = 0.1
a) 13.fig - Connectivity matrix
b) 14.fig - Excitatory and Inhibitory neuron firings
c) 15.fig - Mean firing rate for excitatory hubs

p = 0
a) 16.fig - Connectivity matrix
b) 17.fig - Excitatory and Inhibitory neuron firings
c) 18.fig - Mean firing rate for excitatory hubs

Question 2
Script used to generate the data: mainEx2.m
MatLab plots for this question are placed in folder: ./Figures2/

1.fig - Dependence of neural complexity on small-world index
2.fig - Dependence of neural complexity on rewiring probability