
Do you have plans to publish current master? (現行のmasterはpublishされますか?)

sside opened this issue · 3 comments

sside commented

Hello @azu

I tried to use MarkedOptions.walkTokens, but v4.0.0's deps are referenced older version.

I see current master's deps are already updated. Do you have plans to publish current one?

marked.js 1.1.0で追加されたwalkTokensオプションを使用しようとしたところ、現在publishされているバージョンでは、dependenciesのバージョンが古く、使用できませんでした。


azu commented

"marked": "^1.0.0"

safe-marked depended on marked ^1.0.0
It means that you can upgrade marked 1.x.x by own.
npm update --depth 3 marked or yarn upgrade marked, or just re-install safe-marked(npm uninstall and npm install)

azu commented

I've published v4.0.1 to make sure.

sside commented

Sorry about misunderstanding about semver. But v4.0.0 depended on @types/marked ^0.7.4 .

Thank you for published 4.0.1!