
Running docker server inside azk

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Is is possible to run (or access) a Docker server inside Azk?

My project require some specific containers to be started on runtime, but running inside Docker it seems that Docker server isn't accessible there.

Thanks in advance!

@mauricioklein now you can do this in two ways:

1 - dind mode: running a docker server inside a docker container (aka docker-in-docker):

// Azkfile.js
  dind: {
    image: "docker:1.9-dind",
    mounts: {
      "/var/lib/docker": persistent("dind-volumes"),
    docker_extra: {
      HostConfig: { Privileged: true },
    ports: {
      docker: "2375/tcp",
    export_envs: {
      DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://#{}:#{net.port.docker}"

  'dind-client': {
    depends: ["dind"],
    image: "docker:1.9",

Now you can run:

$ azk start dind
$ azk shell dind-client

2 - socket mode: mount the docker socket host in a docker container and connect to it (requires integration of this PR #549):

// Azkfile.js
  docker: {
    image: "docker:1.9",
    mounts: {
      "/var/run/docker.sock": path("/var/run/docker.sock", { resolve: false }),

Now you can run:

$ azk shell docker

More info about this images: