azukiapp/azk error on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

[azk] Checking platform.......................................[ DONE ]
[azk]   Detected platform: linux, x64
[azk]   Detected distribution: ubuntu, 15.04
[azk] Enabling sudo...........................................[ WAIT ]
[azk]   echo sudo enabled
[azk] Enabling sudo...........................................[ DONE ]

[azk] [ERROR]   Unsupported Ubuntu version.
[azk] [ERROR]   Feel free to ask support for it by opening an issue at:
[azk] [ERROR]
[azk] [ERROR] Failed to install azk.

According to Requirements:
Distributions (tested): Ubuntu 12.04/14.04/15.04 and Fedora 20/21/22

Thank you for your feedback @zizuiZ .

This information at our docs is incorrect.The supported versions of Ubuntu are: 12.04, 14.04 and 15.10.


Its impossible to use it on 15.04?

@zizuiZ You can try to install azk from source code. Just follow the instructions at

Any further question, just let me know.


Thanks @fearenales.