
Lifecycles and operation-modes

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Are you thinking of adding lifecycles to azk, the reason what I’m asking is that I find that I can trigger a postinstall npm script during provisioning which is grand, as it hydrates database and compiles basic structure… However once I stop azk, my database state is currently purged and so when I restart azk that system is already provisioned yet the db state is lost so the app will be in limbo. It would perhaps be good to either add bootup command to db, or to the system or to both. What do you guys think… alternativly this functionality could be provided by third-party modules, but given that npm community has not yet comme up with solid standard, or perhaps I’m ignorant of one, that leave you guys to potentially innovate in that aspect. I’m not sure what you guys think of it, but perhaps maybe having provisioning being simply triggered on every bootup would solve the issue, I dont know, I have’t though it thru enough to propose that as a solution but something along this lines would be very welcome addition.