
Day 3 / Challenge 4: Cannot create cognitiveservices resource because my account didn't agree the Responsible AI terms of services

arampp opened this issue · 0 comments

In day 3 / challenge 4 under "Create a Cognitive Service", step 2.
When I run the command:

az cognitiveservices account create --name cog-textanalytics-westeurope-001 --resource-group rg-azdc-cognitive --kind TextAnalytics --sku S --location westeurope --yes

I'll get the following error message:

Resource provider 'Microsoft.CognitiveServices' used by this operation is not registered. We are registering for you.
Registration succeeded.
(ResourceKindRequireAcceptTerms) This subscription cannot create TextAnalytics until you agree to Responsible AI terms for this resource. You can agree to Responsible AI terms by creating a resource through the Azure Portal then trying again. For more detail go to
Code: ResourceKindRequireAcceptTerms
Message: This subscription cannot create TextAnalytics until you agree to Responsible AI terms for this resource. You can agree to Responsible AI terms by creating a resource through the Azure Portal then trying again. For more detail go to

Suggested solution:
Maybe it would make sense changing the description to create this resource in the portal and give a hint to agree these terms of service.
Another option could be removing the --yes flag to get the confirmation the console (I did not test this).