
TypeError: Cannot read property 'fileName' of undefined

kkm000 opened this issue · 4 comments

I attempted to use jest-runner-tsc for the first time, and am getting the exception when trying to run the test:

  ● Test suite failed to run

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'fileName' of undefined

      at node_modules/jest-runner-tsc/dist/runTsc.js:79:28
          at Array.filter (<anonymous>)
      at runTsc (node_modules/jest-runner-tsc/dist/runTsc.js:77:106)

The error happens here:

const allDiagnostics = ts
.filter(diagnostic => diagnostic.file.fileName === testPath);

and the diagnostic at this point is:

  file: undefined,
  start: undefined,
  length: undefined,
   'Option \'--incremental\' can only be specified using tsconfig, emitting to single file or when option `--tsBuildInfoFile` is specified.',
  category: 1,
  code: 5074,
  reportsUnnecessary: undefined,
  reportsDeprecated: undefined

node.js v10.18.1
jest v.26.4.2
typescript v4.0.2

LMK please if I should dig any deeper.

The same issue here.

My diagnostic was

  file: undefined,
  start: undefined,
  length: undefined,
  code: 6059,
  category: 1,
  messageText: {
    messageText: "File '/.../test/exchange.test.ts' is not under 'rootDir' '/.../src'. 'rootDir' is expected to contain all source files.",
    category: 1,
    code: 6059,
    next: [ [Object] ]
  relatedInformation: undefined

Solved by moving test directory inside src dir

I fixed this by adding

"tsBuildInfoFile": ".tsbuildinfo"

to my tsconfig file.

I had this issue as well when specifying "incremental": true in tsconfig.json. Removing incremental builds solves the issue.