
Jmgur (Java Imgur API)

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

bintray_svg license_svg discord_svg

Jmgur (Java Imgur API)

Jmgur provides the most complete wrapping of the Imgur API for Java.

This library requires Java 8+ and is compatible with Android projects development.

  1. Usage
  2. Repositories and Endpoints
  3. RestAction and PagedRestAction
  4. Releases
  5. License


The whole API holds into a single class called Jmgur. You can get the current instance of the Jmgur object in any object returned by the API (through the getApi() method of that object).

The Jmgur object is build via the JmgurBuilder class. When building it, you have to set the client id of your Imgur application, the OAuth2 object and can as well set other options via the provided setters. The Jmgur object is then created by calling the JmgurBuilder#build method.

The OAuth2 object holds the connected user's data returned by Imgur after the OAuth2 authorization.


public static void main(String[] args) {
    // There are 2 ways of building the OAuth2 object.
    OAuth2 oauth;
    // 1. Via Url (when the authorization response type is set to 'token')
    oauth = OAuth2.fromUrl("authorization_callback_url");
    // 2. Via Raw Data
    oauth = OAuth2.fromData(
        0, // expires_in
        0 // account_id
    // Creating the Jmgur object
    Jmgur api = JmgurBuilder

    /* do something */

    // Shutdown the API webclient and threadpools
Show Android example

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    private static final String CLIENT_ID = "client_id";
    private static final String TAG = "JMGUR_APP_TAG";
    public static Jmgur api = null;
    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        Log.i(TAG, "Opening to OAuth2 login");
        final FrameLayout root = new FrameLayout(this);
        final WebView webView = new WebView(this);
        final String oauthUrl = "https://api.imgur.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=" + CLIENT_ID + "&response_type=token";
        webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
            public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, WebResourceRequest request) {
                final String url = request.getUrl().toString();
                Log.i(TAG, "Redirected WebView on: " + url);
                try {
                    final OAuth2 oauth = OAuth2.fromUrl(url);
                    api = JmgurBuilder
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Log.i(TAG, e.getMessage());
                    return false;
                    account -> Log.i(TAG, "Logged in account: " + account),
                return true;
        Log.i(TAG, "Opened WebView on: " + oauthUrl);

Once your Jmgur object is built, you can start requesting data to the Imgur API.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Jmgur api = JmgurBuilder

    // Get and print jmgur_guy's account data
    // Get and print jmgur_guy's gallery favorites (order from oldest to newest)
    api.ACCOUNT.getUserGalleryFavorites("jmgur_guy", FavoriteSort.OLDEST)

Repositories and Endpoints

The API endpoints are split into several repositories:

Repository Endpoints actions
Account get users accounts
get users avatars and available avatars
block/unblock users, get blocked users list
get users favorites and submissions
get/update self account settings
get/delete users albums, comments or images
Comment get/create/delete a comment
vote for/report a comment
Album get/create/delete an album
edit an album content
favorite an album
Gallery get the gallery latest submissions
search for albums/images in the gallery
share/unshare an album/image to the gallery
report a gallery
get/post votes/comments on a gallery
Image get/create/delete an image
edit an image information
favorite an image

In Jmgur, these repositories are directly available through the Jmgur object as follows:

Jmgur api = ...;

api.ACCOUNT // Account repository
api.COMMENT // Comment repository
api.ALBUM   // Album repository
api.GALLERY // Gallery repository
api.IMAGE   // Image repository

RestAction and PagedRestAction

The RestAction class originally comes from the JDA project. In Jmgur, we used parts of their code and created an other class called the PagedRestAction which handled paged requests.


From JDA:

If you understand RestAction you understand JDA.

The RestAction is a step between specifying what the user wants to do and executing it, it allows the user to specify how JDA should deal with their Request.

However this only works if you actually tell the RestAction to do something. That is why we recommend checking out whether or not something in JDA returns a RestAction. If that is the case you have to execute it using one of the RestAction execution operations:

  • queue(), queue(Consumer), queue(Consumer, Consumer) These operations are asynchronous and will not execute within the same Thread. This means that you cannot use procedural logic when you use queue(), unless you use the callback Consumers. Only similar requests are internally executed in sequence such as sending messages in the same channel or adding reactions to the same message.
  • submit() Provides request future to cancel tasks later and avoid callback hell.
  • complete() This operation will block the current Thread until the request has been finished and will return the response type.

Note: We recommend using queue() or submit() when possible as blocking the current Thread can cause downtime and will use more resources.


queue(), queue(Consumer), queue(Consumer, Consumer)
Jmgur api = ...;

// To execute a request

// With consumers
    settings -> System.out.printf("The logged in user's email is: %s%n", settings.getEmail()),
    error -> {
        System.err.println("An error occurred.");
Jmgur api = ...;

// Useful when chaining requests
    .thenCompose(avatars -> {
        final AccountSettingsDTO settings = AccountSettingsDTO.create()
        return api.ACCOUNT.updateSelfAccountSettings(settings).submit();
    }).thenAccept(success ->
        System.out.printf("%s the account's settings%n",
            success ? "Successfully updated" : "Failed to update"
Jmgur api = ...;

// Directly get the reponse type
Account account = api.ACCOUNT.getSelfAccount().complete();

For more information, please check the original documentation page on JDA's wiki


In short, the PagedRestAction is an intermediate between some methods and the RestAction.

For some of Imgur API endpoints, it is needed for the developer to specify a page to request information from. We made the PagedRestAction class in order to help the developers using Jmgur to handle paged requests. The PagedRestAction contains a few handy tools to iterate over the pages.

get(), get(int)

Get the current page of the iterator or request get a specific page.


Get the current page and increment the iterator to the next page.


Get the iterator value.


Reset the iterator.

skip(int), skipTo(int)

Jump some pages. Increment the iterator by a specific amount or set it to that amount.


Jmgur api = ...;

// get()
    .get(); // returns the RestAction of the 1st page

// get(int)
    .get(12); // returns the RestAction of the 13th page

// get(), reset, skip(), skipTo(int)
    .skip(2) // skips 2 pages (now on the 3rd page)
    .skipTo(7) // skips to the 8th page (now on the 8th page)
    .reset() // resets iterator (now on the 1st page)
    .get(); // returns the RestAction of the 1st page

// next(), page()
PagedRestAction<List<Comment>> pages = api.ACCOUNT.getSelfComments(CommentSort.BEST);
while (pages.page() != 10) // loops from the 1st page to the 10th page (0 to 9)
    pages.next(); // returns the RestAction of the xth page (1st page to 10th page)


Latest Version: bintray_svg


Be sure to replace the VERSION key with the latest version shown above.

dependencies {
    implementation 'net.azzerial:jmgur:VERSION'
repositories {


Be sure to replace the VERSION key with the latest version shown above.



Copyright 2020 Robin Mercier

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.