
Bug: Subscription Feed Not Working

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Subscription Feed stopped working, just blank.

And Following feed also has problems, shows channels I'm not following.

Rumble API change or something?

Thanks for your continued maintenance and support I use this addon almost daily.

azzy9 commented

Sounds like the session is failing, The channels showing that you have not followed is because if you are not logged in, the site gives recommendations.

To reset the session
go to settings -> login -> reset session

Sounds like the session is failing, The channels showing that you have not followed is because if you are not logged in, the site gives recommendations.

To reset the session go to settings -> login -> reset session

Thank you. Got it.

BTW have you experienced constant live stream drops? I just enabled HTTP from debug to see if it'll fix it.

azzy9 commented

The only live stream I use on rumble is lifi hip hop radio,
I do not use it enough to say I notice any issues with it.