
Toolkit to play with custom language extensions for JavaScript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

EJS - Enhanced JS / Example JS

This software is a playground to develop compiled JavaScript language extensions. It is based on the OMeta/JS parser generator. If you have any questions, dont hestitate to contact me.

You can try the new syntax at the online demonstration.


OMeta/JS Package

The OMeta/JS implementation can be used standalone without all other packages.

// @file some-ometa-file.ojs
ometa MyGrammar {
 // implementation
module.exports = MyGrammar // yes, it is a node module

If you wish to include an OMeta grammar into a project you just have to load OMeta first.

// @file another-file.js
var grammar = require('./some-ometa-file.ojs');

The file will automatically be compiled to JavaScript and the grammar object is returned.

ES5 Parser and Translator

The ES5Parser can be used to analyze a piece of code.

// @file anaylzer.js
var es5 = require('./lib/es5');
var tree = es5.parse('var foo = 4');

The tree also can be translated back to JavaScript:

es5.translate(tree); //=> var foo=4

The tree consists of nodes, which are defined in lib/es5/nodes.js. Node constructors can be used to create a tree by hand.

var _ = es5.nodes;
var tree = _.Program(_.VarDeclStmt([_.VarBinding(_.Id("foo"), _.Number(4))]))
es5.translate(tree); //=> var foo=4

A combined method compile can be used to perform parsing and translation at the same time:

es5.compile('var foo = 4'); //=> var foo=4

EJS Language Extensions

The example implementation can be found in the folder lib/ejs. The extension can be used the same way as the es5-package.

One simple example is the extension loop {} which simple desugars to for(;;){}. This statement can be compiled to JavaScript by calling:

// @file some-compiler.js
var ejs = require('./lib/ejs');
var ejs_tree = ejs.parse("loop {}");
var es5_tree = ejs.translate(ejs_tree);
var code = ejs.generate(es5_tree); // this is equivalent to `es5.translate`
//=> for(;;) {}

Again there is a combined method compile

var code = ejs.compile("loop {}"); //=> for(;;) {}

But the ejs-package can also be used like the ometa-package:

// @file adder.ejs
module.exports = {|a,b| a + b }

// @file some-other-file.js
var adder = require('./adder.ejs');
adder(4, 2); //=> 6

In addition a small command line wrapper ejs can be used.

// @file some-file.ejs
  console.log("Hello World.");

On console type

> ./ejs some-files.ejs
Hello World

Example Extensions

The implementation of the example extensions is divided into three parts:

  1. The parsing frontend (./lib/ejs/grammars/ejs_parser.ojs)
  2. The node-types (./lib/ejs/nodes.js)
  3. The translator (./lib/ejs/grammars/ejs_translator.ojs)

To name just a few extensions:

Scope Forcing Operator

Since JavaScript only supports function-scoping the force scoping operator creates an anonymous function and immediately executes it:


!{ var foo = 4 }


(function() { var foo = 4 })()

Of course, this can be used for revealing modules:

var mod = !{
  // ...
  return something;

String Substitution

This one is adopted from Ruby to interpolate expressions into strings:


var foo = "Hello #{name}"


var foo = ["Hello ", name].join('');

Lambda Expressions

Since the function keyword can be annoying some time, a shorter (again Ruby-like) syntax is introduced:


var foo = {|a,b| a + b }


var foo = function(a, b) { return a + b }

Also a new way to call functions has been added:


$.getJSON("something.php") {|data| console.log(data) }


$.getJSON("something.php", function(data) { console.log(data) });


There is a specialty about classes: A runtime-mapping is performed to allow a late binding of the desired class-implementation:


class Person {
  name: "Anonymous"
  say_hello: {|| "Hello my name is #{this.name}" }


Object.define_class("Person", {
  parent_name: undefined,
  get_parent: function() {
  set_class: function(__class__) {
    Person = __class__
  constructor: undefined,
  sections: {},
  spec: {
    name: "Anonymous",
    say_hello: function() {
      return ["Hello my name is ", this.name].join("")

For instance a binding to the Mootools class system could look like:

Object.define_class = function(name, desc) {
  var klass  = desc.spec,
      parent = desc.get_parent();

    klass.Extends = parent;

  klass.initialize = desc.constructor;
  desc.set_class(new Class(klass));

Foreign Projects and Sources

The following projects have been used to realize (or inspired) this toolkit.

For the Compilation Framework

  • OMeta/JS by Alessandro Warth (parser Generator and basic foundation for ES5Parser and ES5Translator)
  • Node.js by Joyent, Inc (runtime environment)
  • es-lab by Tom Van Cutsem and others (unicode-categories)
  • esprima by Ariya Hidayat (used some tests)

For the Demo-Page

Other Inspiration

  • es-lab - they use JsonML as AST-structure
  • CofeeScript - always a great source of inspiration when it comes to transpiling
  • JsonML - a great data-format