
LangChat is an Android instant chat messaging app that uses a Large Language Model (Llama 3) to translate incoming messages into your preferred language in real-time, allowing users from all around the world to communicate with others via direct message or in group chats, breaking down language barriers, and assisting in communication.

Primary LanguageJava


LangChat is an instant chat messaging app that uses a Large Language Model (Llama 3) to translate incoming messages into your preferred language in real-time, allowing users from all around the world to communicate with others via direct message or in group chats, breaking down language barriers, and assisting in communication.


  • Secure user registration and JWT authentication
  • Data persistence using MySQL
  • Node.js Express API
  • Direct messsages & Group chats
  • Speech to text voice messages
  • Seamless live translations of incoming messages using Llama 3
  • Language correction and grammar improvement

Tech stack

  • Java / Android Studio
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MySQL
  • Sequelize
  • JsonWebToken
  • RabbitMQ (notifications)




Conversations | Profile page

Dynamic translations: Bobby POV (left) | James POV (Right)

Group chats

Voice messages