`v:lua` string doesn't work
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I have the following code to be converted.
local escape = function(str)
return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(str, true, true, true)
function _G.enhance_align()
if not packer_plugins["vim-easy-align"].loaded then
vim.cmd [[packadd vim-easy-align]]
return escape "<Plug>(EasyAlign)"
function M.setup_easy_align()
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "ga", "v:lua.enhance_align()", { expr = true })
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("x", "ga", "v:lua.enhance_align()", { expr = true })
First I tried the following, which doesn't work
mapx.nmap("ga", "v:lua.enhance_align()", mapx.expr)
mapx.xmap("ga", "v:lua.enhance_align()", mapx.expr)
Then I make it work using the following
mapx.nmap("ga", enhance_align, mapx.expr)
mapx.xmap("ga", enhance_align, mapx.expr)
I am not sure whether this is a bug.
A related problem is that if I add whichkey labels
local label = "EasyAlign"
mapx.nmap("ga", enhance_align, mapx.expr, label)
mapx.xmap("ga", enhance_align, mapx.expr, label)
it fails with the error
mapx.nvim/lua/mapx/mapper.lua:139: invalid key: 1"
First I tried the following, which doesn't work
Can you elaborate on this, is there an error message? Using v:lua
works for me.
A related problem is that if I add whichkey labels
Is this the same issue as #7?
The second one may be related to that issue.
Though it raises an error while not in the issue.
After update to the newest version, it doesn't raise an error.
When execute ga
on the following example, it output <|> 124, Hex 7c, Oct 174, Digr !!
. It just seems the map doesn't take effect, which is the same in issue #7.
| asdfaf| |
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In the newest version, the v:lua
works for me.